Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Christopher Paolini...that really isn't funny

About time! Another section to the Inheritance Trilo...I mean Cycle has finally come out.

So I was expecting Brisinger to be the final book, the big wrap up, considering we've waited how long now for it to come out but NO! Now it will be four books. Not funny...okay then...on with the review.

Alrighty then. In all the book was a decent piece of work. We get a conclusion to the whole against the Ra'zac vendetta. And we get to enjoy a gory little appearance of the Helgrind priests. So the action starts off decent enough. After this things go a little slow for a few chapters. Christopher fills this in nice enough at least.

The book continues on at a slow clip. We hear more on the Az Sweldn rak Anhuin issues. Past the battles and "laughing dead" nothing overly interesting happens. There is a bunch of stuff that does kind of come out of left field and if there were any hints in the previous two books I missed them. I have a challenge for you all, Spot the Doctor Who reference!!! There is one in this book!

If you read and enjoyed the first books then you will like this one. Honestly, I have only just started reading the Dragonriders of Pern but I understand there are many things in Eragon so far that are much like Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders, especially that hatching impression thing and mind link.

Expect sometime this month a review for InkDeath the third book in the Inkheart trilogy! (Which I expect to be much better the Brisinger)

So this concludes this night's review!

---T3h Gothic Nerd